Throne of Glass Wiki
Throne of Glass Wiki

Xavier Forul was a Master Thief who hailed from Melisande. He was chosen to compete for the position of King's Champion, but he was later killed by the ridderak.


Xavier was a tall, slender, reed-thin man with thinning blond hair and a long face.


Xavier was a renowned thief, indicating that he was a talented liar and efficacious in stealth.


Throne of Glass[]

Xavier was selected to be a contestant in the competition to become the King of Adarlan's Champion. He introduced himself after Cain, stating that he is Master Thief of Melisande.

Little else is seen of Xavier until his body is discovered. Blood Wyrdmarks surrounded his body; his chest cavity had been opened, his internal organs devoured. There was a hole in the crown of his head; his brain was gone, and his face was shredded and contorted in a scream.

It was later revealed that Cain had incapacitated Xavier, drew the sacrificial Wyrdmarks in the thief's blood, and offered him to the summoned Ridderak.
