Throne of Glass Wiki
Throne of Glass Wiki

He never married. And even when he was an old man, I’d sometimes see him sitting on that front porch. As if he were waiting for someone.

–-Asterin to Manon

The Hunter was a hunter and Asterin Blackbeak’s former lover.


Over 80 years ago, The Hunter was a hunter who specialized in exotic game and owned a cabin in the deep wild.


Physical description[]

Powers and abilities[]


Asterin Blackbeak[]

Asterin was his former lover over 80 years ago. She was caught in a storm, and he saw her fall from the sky as he was riding home through the storm. He brought her to his cabin in the deep wilderness and fed her. She planned to kill him as soon as she was well but never did. She stayed for five months, helping him stalk game while carving a new broom for herself. They both knew that they were of different species but didn’t care as at the time they were the same age, 28. Asterin stayed with him until she was ordered back to Blackbeak Keep, and she told him that she would come back when she could. She became pregnant and planned to go back to the hunter and present her witchling to him, but it was a stillborn. Asterin never went back to the hunter since she didn’t know how to explain about the brand, Mother Blackbeak, or how to apologize. She was also afraid that the hunter would treat her the same way that Mother Blackbeak had. She flew overhead every few years to check and found that he never married. Even decades later as an old man, the hunter would sit on his porch, like he was waiting for her.




