Throne of Glass[]
Aelin, as Celaena, spends a total of one year in the mines and is often beaten for amusement by the guards. Most prisoners only survive an average of three months in the mines[1], and she survives only because slaves from Eyllwe tend to her wounds every night. Aelin is left with many scars from her imprisonment, including three stark scars down her back from being whipped.
On the anniversary of her parents' deaths, Aelin snaps and ends up going on a killing spree, killing twenty-four of the Endovier guards—including her overseer—in the process.
As a result of the King of Adarlan's decree to hold a competition to find the King's Champion, Dorian Havilliard sets out with the Captain of the Royal Guard, Chaol Westfall, to Endovier to retrieve Aelin and propose to her that she should compete. Should Aelin win, she would serve the King for four years until earning her freedom. Aelin takes the opportunity to get out of Endovier and takes the prince up on the deal. Dorian and Chaol take Aelin to the glass castle, the home of the King of Adarlan. Aelin finds that she is in fact not the only criminal to compete; there are numerous thieves and killers sponsored by other lords to partake in the competition. The prince gives Aelin an alias to use during her stay: Lady Lillian Gordaina, a jewel thief from Bellhaven.
Chaol is to train Aelin for the various Tests she is to complete to move through the competition. In the meantime, the other competitors are slowly getting picked off, either murdered in grotesque fashions or eliminated by the Tests. Chaol divides his time between training/guarding Aelin and investigating these mysterious deaths. In a dream, Aelin finds a door hidden behind a tapestry of Elena Galathynius in her bedchamber leading to a series of secret tunnels within the castle. One leads out of the castle and another leads to a room containing the tomb of Elena, the first Queen of Adarlan and daughter of Brannon Galathynius. Aelin wakes up that morning with an amulet—named the Eye of Elena—in her hand, the same one Elena gives her in her dream, along with a warning that there is evil coming and that she is the one to stop it. While trying to distract herself from the impending doom predicted by Queen Elena's spirit, Aelin, under the guise of Lillian, befriends the visiting Princess of Eyllwe, Nehemia Ytger. The princess exchanges lessons on the tongue used in Adarlan for teaching Aelin what she knows about Wyrdmarks, the strange symbols that Aelin finds at the crime scenes of all the murdered competitors as well as other parts of the castle.
Chaol often finds himself chaperoning the two girls. Aelin is excluded from the festival of Samhuinn. Feeling bad that she is forbidden to attend, Chaol brings back a gift from the celebration—an amethyst ring. Aelin ends up treasuring this ring throughout the books and only returns it in Queen of Shadows, when Chaol refuses to tell her how magic was blocked. Although Chaol does not allow himself to forget that Aelin is in fact an assassin, he begins to warm up to the eighteen-year-old girl who enjoys conversation, dresses, chocolate, and any opportunity she can get to show him up in training, despite Chaol's warnings that she should remain under the radar. There is one person's attention in particular that Aelin has tried to avoid but can't seem to shake, and that is Kaltain Rompier, one of Queen Georgina's ladies-in-waiting. She vies for Dorian's affections in order to take the throne while pretending to show interest in Duke Perrington, the man backing Aelin's greatest rival for the competition, Cain. Kaltain claims that Aelin is after the prince's affections, long before Aelin begins to show interest in him.
Tired of being excluded from another celebration, Aelin sneaks into the masked ball held to celebrate Yulemas. Chaol recognizes Aelin immediately, and although he is fuming with anger at her insubordination, he agrees to let her stay. Frustrated that no one will ask her to dance, Aelin chides Chaol for glaring away all of her would-be suitors. When Chaol claims to be doing no such thing, she asks him to dance. He refuses, stating that it would be dangerous for them to dance. Just in time, Dorian arrives and asks his champion for a dance, and at that moment, Aelin realizes that she might have feelings for the prince. She notices Chaol leaving the ball before she finishes dancing with Dorian.
When she left the ball, Dorian followed her, claiming that she hadn't said goodbye. He then kissed her, and Aelin kissed him back until she realized who, exactly, she was kissing.
Kaltain makes a point of trying to find out the truth about Aelin and even goes so far as to poison Aelin with bloodbane at Duke Perrington's request during the final battle against Cain. Cain seems to know about Aelin; not only her true identity but also about events that he could not possibly have witnessed. He uses this knowledge to break Aelin's spirit. Despite this, however, Aelin fights the effects of the poison with the help of Elena and a moment of tender encouragement from Chaol. Cain, however, is more than he seems; it's as if he is possessed. Evil entities appear, clawing at her, but Elena appears and fights them off. A strange mark appears on Aelin's forehead during the fight, later revealed to be a Wyrdmark symbolizing her ancestor Brannon, meaning "the Nameless". Aelin eventually wins, after taking a serious beating. Cain attempts to kill Aelin anyway but then Chaol steps forward and kills Cain with his sword.
It comes to light that Kaltain poisoned Aelin with Perrington claiming that he had nothing to do with it. Kaltain is thrown in the dungeons and Aelin is crowned the King's Champion. Recovering from her wounds, Aelin wonders if the King will send her her contract or if he will decide to throw her back into the mines. Chaol comes to visit; it is the first time she is seeing him since the fight. They share a tender moment of understanding and embrace until Dorian walks in and the two break apart. Aelin decides to break up with Dorian, concluding that it would not fit for the Crown Prince to carry on a relationship with the King's Champion. She asks him to remain her friend. Dorian seems quite disappointed but agrees. After breaking it off with Dorian, Chaol returns, and Aelin remarks that it is unusual—she is pleased that she gets to see him twice in one day. Aelin tells Chaol that she is ending things with the prince. He joins her in dinner, and they raise a glass, Chaol toasting Aelin.
Elena visits Aelin again and tells her that she has more work to do and that even though she has defeated Cain, there is more evil ahead. Upon signing the contract to be the King's Champion, the King threatens that should Aelin betray him or not return from a mission, he will kill Chaol and Nehemia's family. Aelin admits to Chaol that she may have just signed away her soul; however, the two walk arm in arm as the Captain and the King's Champion.
Crown of Midnight[]
Aelin is ordered to kill rebels. Instead she has been warning them to flee and subsequently faking their murders. Aelin has decided to ignore Elena and her demand to fight. She makes a difficult decision between Dorian and Chaol, but chooses Chaol. However, when her best friend Nehemia is killed, she turns on him because he knew about the threat to the Eyllwe princess's life and failed to act. As a result it was Archer Finn—a courtesan and former ally of Aelin—who assassinated Nehemia to show Aelin who to trust. She finds out that Dorian has magic, and her friends discover that she is demi-Fae.
After having Aelin sent away to the eastern continent of Wendlyn for her own protection (with a cover story of a mission to assassinate the royal family there), Chaol finds out that she is actually Aelin Ashryver Galathynius, the Princess of Terrasen.
Heir of Fire[]
Aelin is sent to Wendlyn by Chaol and the King. Although she was sent there to kill the King of Wendlyn and his son, she is unable to do it as she is their relative and their people love and respect them. She is approached by Rowan Whitethorn, an immortal Fae warrior prince and servant of Queen Maeve, her great-great aunt. He takes her to meet the immortal Fae-Queen at Mistward, a strategic outpost between the mortal lands of Wendlyn and the immortal lands of the Fae. She wants to ask questions about the Wyrdkeys but Maeve refuses to answer her questions, saying that she will answer them in Doranelle, the Fae capital city. However, she says mortals and half-breeds can enter the immortal lands only if they are deemed worthy, and therefore, Aelin must prove herself worthy to Rowan, and Maeve commands him to train her in magic.
When Rowan bring her to her room and she is already feeling angry and guilty and numb, so she lashes out at him saying "Fae like you make me understand the King of Adarlan's choices a little more, I think." He attacks her, leaving her with a black eye and a bloody nose.
He tells her that if she crosses the plain alive he would consider her trained and tell Maeve such. She takes the bait, waking across the field. She doesn't run, knowing the things that watched her would be faster. Suddenly a Valg Prince grabs her, forcing her to relive her parents death, and she pisses herself and vomits. Afterward Rowan explained that he had never seen anything like it, and he didn't know it would be out there.
Rowan and Aelin train. She finds it nearly impossible to shift, stating that all she feels are cobwebs when she reaches into herself. This angers Rowan, who knew she could do better, and he bites her. This activates the Fae in her, forcing her to shift. She releases her magic, but Rowan sucks the oxygen out of the air before it could do anything. He tells her to shift again, and she refuses. He threatens to whip her, which he horribly regrets later on, and she says that she would skin him alive he tried. In Kingdom of Ash he bestows this fate on Cairn, after the events in Empire of Storms lead to him whipping her.
After this, she decides to leave, regardless of not having the information she came for. She storms off into the forest, leaving Rowan behind. She soon realizes that she was disobeying the only rules Rowan had during traveling: stay off the path, and never build a fire. She is chased by Skinwalkers, and Rowan coms to her rescue. When he tells her to shift she does, and later recalls that the only reason she did was because he would die if she didn't. She follows is exact footsteps, as he told her to do, and they jump off a cliff. In midair she blasts her magic at the Skinwalkers chasing them, and they die.
After mastering the shift from her mortal form to Fae, Rowan moves on to training Aelin how to control her fire. They also go investigating mysterious dead remnants of bodies. Rowan eventually tells Aelin about his mate Lyria; about how she died pregnant and he has been scarred ever since then. They decide to get out of the dark abyss they're currently in together. More things happen; Aelin has a burnout and Rowan finds out about her past as a slave. He and Aelin end up upholding the best platonic bond. Aelin fights and nearly dies defeating Valg princes. Finally coming to terms and accepting her destiny as the Princess of Terrasen, Aelin frees Rowan from Maeve's blood oath. She has to return to Erilea not as Celaena, but as Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.
Queen of Shadows[]
Aelin returns to Rifthold and finds Arobynn in a tavern. He tells Aelin that her cousin Aedion is imprisoned for treason and will be executed in three days. He will help her rescue Aedion if she will bring him a Valg creature. He also tells her where to find Chaol. Aelin finds Nesryn Faliq, who takes her to Chaol. They recount what has happened while they were separated. They are sad about what the other has endured but are vocal about mistakes the other has made. Chaol knows how to restore magic, but he won’t share the secret with Aelin. This infuriates her. Chaol returns the Eye of Elena, and Aelin returns the amethyst ring.
Arobynn sends Aelin’s old assassin uniform to her. He also sends Lysandra, a former nemesis. She has a letter her lover Wesley wrote before his death explaining what happened leading up to Sam's death. Chaoland Nesryn go to the Shadow Market for a covert meeting with some guards from the castle. They learn how the King's soldiers will be set up during the execution banquet. Aelin shows up and almost blows their cover. She asks the guards a few favors to help her during Aedion's rescue.
Chaol asks Aelin to make sure Dorian is unharmed during her castle raid. They argue about it, and Aelin lets Chaol know she has heard about his history with Nesryn from Arobynn. Chaol shares the secret of how to restore magic. Aelin enters the castle with Madam Florine's troupe of dancers. The dancers enter the banquet hall, tossing fistfuls of a black powder as they dance. In the finale, the dancers throw glass flowers on the ground. A substance in the glass ignites the black powder on the floor, and the banquet hall explodes in flame. Everyone flees. Aelin frees Aedion, and they fight their way out of the hall. After rescuing her cousin, they run through the gardens toward the wall. Dorian approaches. The demon inside him tries to kill Aelin, but she has protective Wyrdmarks on her skin. She asks Dorian to give her one sign he's in there, but he doesn't. She goes to kill him with her sword, but Nesryn shoots an arrow at the sword to deflect the swing. She has been spying on Aelin on a tip from Arobynn. Aelin and Aedion flee.
At the pick-up point, they hop in a carriage with Lysandra. Then they switch into a carriage with Chaol and make their way back to Aelin's apartment. Chaol reveals he knows she almost killed Dorian. They argue, and Chaol says she's not his queen. Lysandra discovers who Aelin is. Aedion wakes up in Aelin's apartment. The cousins rehash everything they have been through in the ten years they were separated. Aelin is surprised he's not ashamed of some of the things she has done, but he's committed horrors, too.
Aelin and Chaol meet Arobynn at a new tavern. Arobynn has signed Aelin up to fight. She chooses a Valgdemon commander as her opponent. Chaol is amazed at her new skills. She kills the demon pretty easily. Arobynn is mad she went for the kill instead of delivering the demon to him. Aedion is slowly recovering, and he thinks Aelin is babying him. They discuss Rowan, and Aelin discovers the hero worship Aedion has for him. Aedion suspects Rowan might want to be part of her court and hopes he doesn't steal his blood oath.
Aelin follows a Valg soldier into the sewer and watches him talk to a creature which emerges from the water. It looks like one of the creatures carved in the clocktower by the castle, and it has the voice of the King. Aelin agrees to take Aedion to a bar to get some fresh air. On their walk home, they find Rowan. Aelin is overwhelmed with joy. The men size each other up and act territorial. Aelin drags Rowan into her room under the guise he needs a bath. They catch up while he bathes.
When they rejoin Aedion, Rowan asks who his father was. Aedion doesn’t know. Rowan can tell from his scent that it is Gavriel, a legendary Fae warrior. Rowan mentions he’s blood-sworn to Aelin, and this infuriates Aedion. He storms out. Rowan reveals he came back to Aelin because Lorcan is nearby. Maeve probably sent him to find the Wyrdkey. Aelin wants Rowan to sleep in her bed, just like in Wendlyn. Aelin gets up the next morning to make breakfast, and Aedion returns. They make up. She tells him he can swear the blood oath, too, if he wants to. Chaol arrives to go over maps and strategies with Aelin, and he sees Rowan for the first time. He seems slightly jealous.
Aelin sneaks out of her apartment at night. Lorcan is following her. She lures him into a nest of Valg demons and leaves him for dead. But he escapes and catches up with her. They threaten each other. Rowan shows up. Lorcan says Maeve let them walk away and still has plans for their defeat. Lysandra arrives, and Rowanidentifies her as a shape-shifter. Aelin and Aedion are shocked. Lysandra says no one knows. She reveals she's been stuck in this body since magic fell. She says Arobynn will call in his favor tomorrow. Aelin and Rowan catch a Valg demon to take with them.
Aelin, Rowan, and Aedion head to the Assassins' Keep. Arobynn answers the door. All four take the Valg down to the dungeon. Arobynn only allows Aelin in the torture room. His plan is to find out how the Kingcontrols them. The demon reveals the King slips the black stone ring on their finger, slices their skin, licks their blood, and then they are bound to him. Arobynn slices off the demon’s finger to obtain the ring and kills the demon. They join the rest of the group for dinner. The conversation is tense, and Arobynn witnesses the silent communication and close bond between Aelin and Rowan. Arobynn reveals he knows Aelin has been quietly wrecking his investments all over town. Aelin says she will stop only if he gives her the Amulet of Orynth, her family heirloom and the third Wyrdkey. Arobynn obliges. He then acts like he’s going to kiss her but slips the demon's ring on her finger, slits her palm, and licks her blood. He thinks he now controls her. Aelin plays along until they'rere away from Arobynn's men. The ring was a fake she planted on the demon after she removed the real one.
Aelin and Rowan hide the real amulet under a loose board in her floor. Aelin goes to the roof to wait out what she knows Lysandra is up to tonight—killing Arobynn. In spite of everything, Aelin has mixed feelings about it all. Rowan joins her. Aelin touches his face and wants to get more intimate, but he tells her not to touch him that way and leaves abruptly. Lysandra lies next to Arobynn in his bed, and he is fast asleep. Because he trusts her completely, he never stirs as she reaches for the knife under his pillow and slits his throat with it.
Aelin, Rowan, and Aedion head to the Assassins' Keep after word about Arobynn arrives. It is awkward between Aelin and Rowan. Arobynn's top three men are trying to sort out what happened. Aelin asks to see the room, and it is a bloody mess. The banker arrives to read the will. Arobynn left everything to Aelin. The three men ask her to let them buy the house from her. She gives them three hours to raise the funds. Aelin, Rowan, and Aedion view Arobynn's body. Aelin admits she switched the will. She decapitates Arobynn with her sword, just to be sure. Aelin is still being fairly cold to Rowan. He continues to fight his growing feelings toward her.
Aelin, Chaol, Aedion, and Rowan follow a tip to the catacombs under the old Shadow Market looking for hellfire. They find a temple made of the bones and confessions of sinners. They discover there is a Valg king named Erawan. They believe the King hid him in the mountains of Morath. They also find the hellfire and re-hide it until it’s needed to destroy the clocktower.
Nesryn joins them and shares news about Morath. The King is building an army there with dark soldiers, witches, and wyverns. Lorcan appears out of the shadows and puts a knife to Aelin's throat. He wants to know where the third Wyrdkey is. He says Brannon's ring isn't just sentimental to Maeve. It can grant immunity from the power of the Valg. Lorcan wants to exchange their Wyrdkey for the ring. Rowan admits how terrified he was when he thought Lorcan would hurt her. He and Aelin want to be intimate, but he says they'll wait until they're totally alone.
Evangeline, the girl Lysandra is caring for, arrives at the apartment. She says the King kidnapped Lysandrabecause Arobynn's will spoke of her shape-shifter bloodline. Chaol and Nesryn bring additional news. The King is traveling to the Oakwald Forest to meet with the leader of his wyvern cavalry.
Aelin’s group heads to Oakwald Forest. The witches are already there waiting for the King. They see the size of the wyverns. They see Mother Blackbeak arrive. The King's group noisily approaches. Lysandra is in a prison wagon. Aelin rescues Lysandra from the prison wagon. Chaol whisks her away into the woods. Aelin and Aedion witness the Blackbeak Matron slap her granddaughter. Manon pleads her case about what's going on at Morath, but her grandmother will not listen.
Chaol secretly goes to kill Dorian, having given up hope that Dorian has not been fully overtaken by the Valg prince, but the Thirteen are there to greet him. Rowan tracks Chaol by scent. Manon is surprised to see Rowan. She hasn't seen a Fae in a long time and knows he would be a lethal opponent. She turns Chaol over and doesn't wish to take any prisoners. Aelin says that makes her smarter than Baba Yellowlegs. The witchesrun toward her, only to be trapped by an invisible wall Aelin constructed using Chaol's blood in the grass and Wyrd magic. Aelin and her court flee.
The witches track them down at a temple in the middle of a ravine with a series of decrepit bridges connecting it to the land. Rowan takes an arrow for Aelin. Aelin and Manon fight an epic battle on the island. Asterin and Aedion want to join them, but they won't let them. The island begins to collapse beneath them as they fight. As Manon is about to fall into the ravine, Aelin turns back to save her. She carries her over the bridge to safety. Manon owes her enemy a life debt.
Rowan is not in good shape. They take him to the only healer they might possibly trust—a midwife at Nesryn's father's farm. Chaol apologizes to Aelin for causing this mess when he went after Dorian.
Lysandra thanks Aelin for rescuing her. She's surprised they did so. She gets another surprise when Aelin presents her with paperwork from her boss saying she and Evangeline are free from all debts.
Rowan is slowly recovering. One night he smells Lorcan on the roof. He goes up alone to speak to him. Lorcan offers the ring he stole from Maeve in exchange for the Amulet of Orynth. Rowan makes the exchange. Aelin is anxiously awaiting Rowan's return inside. Their plan worked, and Lorcan didn't realize the amulet was a fake.
Chaol and Aelin finally settle things between them. He has dreaded this conversation, but it goes well and he feels at peace. Aelin tells him Nesryn is interested in him. Later that night, Chaol and Nesryn discuss final battle plans. Nesryn leads him into a city temple. She tells him about the Southern continent, where her father is from, and how the best healers in the world reside in a city there.
Aelin and Rowan share one kiss the night before they go into battle. The next morning, Aelin sees a message written on a banner from Manon meant for her. It says that "THE HUMAN IS STILL INSIDE HIM", letting Aelin know not to kill Dorian, because he is not gone forever. Rowan and Aedion carry an urn of hellfire in the sewers below the city and the catacombs below the castle. They realize Lorcan has lied about killing all the Wyrdhounds. Some of them are waiting there to attack.
Aelin leads Chaol through the city as a prisoner. When they get to the castle, the King's guards who have been Chaol's spies are skewered on the castle fence. Guards escort the two of them through the castle, but no one searched them for weapons. They make it to the King, who is seated on his glass throne with Dorianbeside him. Dorian recognizes their faces, but the demon snaps those thoughts away. Aelin brings the Kingsupposed seal rings of the King and Crown Prince of Wendlyn. She says Chaol was waiting for her upon her return to Rifthold and she captured him when she realized he was no longer loyal to the King.
The King reveals he knows who she really is. He makes his guards leave and says to stop pretending Chaol is a captive. Aelin asks where the Wyrdkeys are. She tries to keep him talking to buy Rowan and Aedion more time to blow up the clocktower. The King says he knows she has the third Wyrdkey. He gives Dorian magic lashings. Chaol tries to help him, but the Wyrd magic prevents him. Chaol asks the King to hand over Dorian. Rowan and Aedion fight the Wyrdhounds. They know they're behind schedule as the clocktower strikes noon. Aelin reveals her Eye of Elena necklace. The King wants it. She says to let Dorian go or she'll destroy it, and then Erawan will stay locked up forever. Aelin takes off running. The King sends Dorian after her. The King moves to follow them, but Chaol steps in his way.
Dorian chases Aelin through the castle. She climbs higher and hopes the tower is destroyed soon so she can fight his ice with her fire. She jumps to a glass-covered bridge high between two castle towers. Chaol tries to kill the King to release Dorian from his bond. The King fights with Wyrd magic, and the Wyrdmarks drawn on Chaol are failing. It appears that the King destroys him with one final blast. Aelin and Dorian continue to fight on an icy castle bridge suspended high in the sky. She tries to jog his memory, but only the demon is there. He stabs her in the side.
Aelin slipped Athril's ring on Dorian's finger as he stabbed her, and it is enabling him to fight the demon. The demon uses Dorian's power to send ice daggers at Aelin, but her power has returned. She counters with fire. They continue to fight. Aelin's wound has healed. Dorian finally sees through his own eyes and sees Aelin.
Aelin's magic is building, and the demon inside Dorian begins fighting her again. The King shows up and says Chaol put up a good fight but is gone. Chaol's death brings Dorian fighting out of the demon's hold. He snaps the collar from his neck. Aelin and Dorian fight together against the King. Aelin nears burnout. The two clasp hands and their magic intertwines. They fracture the King's power. When it is drained, they hear him speak in a foreign voice—his own. He asks Aelin to kill him for all he's done. He tells them Chaol is injured but survived. She is glad she slipped the Eye of Elena in his pocket to protect him when he stayed back to fight the King. Dorian delivers the killing blow, and Rowan saves them from death as the glass castle explodes.
Aelin moves to the edge of the castle grounds to tell the people assembled there that their King is dead but the prince lives. She says he is in mourning but will emerge as their leader soon. She makes threats to keep the city safe from looters until Dorian is ready to rule.
Aelin, Dorian, and their companions hole up in the castle to rest and recover. When Aelin awakes, she visits Dorian. He is struggling with the things he did while he wore the collar and the weight of his new responsibilities as king. Aelin says she will be there for him when he needs her. Their kingdoms will be allies.
Aelin appoints Chaol as Ambassador for Terrasen to the Southern continent. She wants him to try to woo them to join with Terrasen and Adarlan while he's there.
Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra say their goodbyes and leave the castle to begin their journey. After three weeks, they set foot on Terrasen soil. And at long last, Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was home.
Empire of Storms[]
Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra have traveled to a secret meeting area of Aedion's. He's called the lords he trusts to gather for a meeting. Aelin and her crew grudgingly comply to meet the men at the inn. Lords Ren, Murtaugh, and Darrow are present. Darrow is the speaker and is not impressed with her court. He informs her that the lords do not accept Aelin as leader of Terrasen. The lords signed a document before even meeting with her, saying they do not recognize Aelin as the Queen of Terrasen. If she defies this, it will be considered an act of war.
A messenger arrives with news that the Ironteeth witches is flying to Rifthold to attack. The only one who might be able to make it in time to help is Rowan. Aelin tells him to rescue Dorian, get a boat, and go to Skull's Bay.
Aelin, Aedion, and Lysandra get to Ilium, which is the home of a monumental temple dedicated to Brannon. Aelin reveals part of her plan to her companions. They secure passage on a ship. The captain tells them about Maeve's fleet. Lysandra has suspicions about the gods' possible role in this and a use for Aelin and Dorian. Aelin, Aedion, and Lysandra defeat Ilium soldiers at the temple. Aelin burns one of the men from the inside out by merely breathing on him.
Aelin brings them to Ilium and raids the temple at Brannon's request. He sent a private message to her through the Little Folk of the forest. Aelin asks Brannon's ghost how to kill Maeve. He doesn’t know. Brannon tells her to find the Lock in the Stone Marshes to put the Wyrdkeys into the door and do away with Erawan and the Valg forever.
A troop of men led by an Endovier guard appears. They battle. He says they were sent to show her what's waiting should they make it to Morath. Erawan is hiding in him and speaks to Aelin. He knows Rowan rescued Dorian. His soldiers are tracking them. Aelin starts burning away the body Erawan is speaking from with her fire magic. He hits her but somehow misses the Amulet of Orynth around her neck by a few inches. He might've sensed its power had he landed a blow there. It's the one piece of the puzzle he's missing to open the doors to other worlds and rule.
Aelin gets to Rolfe's office the same time as Rowan, Dorian, and two of the Cadre who met them along the way looking to kill Lorcan on Maeve's orders: Gavriel, revealed to be Aedion's father, and Fenrys. She acts like Celaena, flirts with Rowan and teases Rolfe. Rolfe commands the Fae to kill her to win his loyalty. Then Aelin introduces Rolfe to the Queen of Terrasen, which is Lysandra, who shape-shifted into Aelin as part of an elaborate prank. She soon changes into her normal human form. Aelin challenges Rolfe to join them. If he does, she will make him a Pirate King.
Gavriel demands to see his son, if he's there. Aelin refuses to reveal where he is. Aelin, Rowan, and Dorian meet to swap information. Aelin thinks they'll need the map on Rolfe's hands. She still needs to convince him to work with them. Aelin and Rowan talk with Fenrys and Gavriel about Maeve, how their bond with her works, and what she might be planning. They don't trust each other much at this point, so limited information is exchanged.
Aedion meets Gavriel at breakfast one morning. He is overcome by anger about what came of his mother when he sees his father. It doesn't go well. Aedion and Lysandra leave to talk it over. Aedion's afraid he may have ruined their chance to work with the two Fae. Lysandra assures him this is not the case.
Rolfe tells Aelin and Rowan that Morath's fleet is sailing for Eyllwe. Aelin knows it's in retaliation for what she did at Ilium. She knows he's striking there because he knows of her love for Nehemia. Aelin asks Rolfe to send his Mycenian fleet to fight with Eyllwe. She promises to give him back Ilium if he complies. A warning bell sounds. Rolfe looks at the maps on his hands, showing the Valg are approaching. Rolfe thinks they are coming because they are searching for Aelin after a surge of power she sent out a few minutes ago. She denies it and gathers her group to leave instead of help in this fight unless Rolfe agrees to her plan. He finally agrees to Aelin's plan. He wants a lord title. She will only make him a lord of this area and recognize his heirs as such.
Dorian knows Aelin lied. Her power surge is what called the Valg to Skull's Bay. They make plans to save it. Aelin will sail into the fleet's centre. Lysandra shifts into a sea dragon. Aelin and Rowan join their power on the boat. She delves into her magic so deeply, that Deanna enters her body via the temporary wyrdgate - the Wyrdkey around her neck, and controls Aelin's body, mind and power as if it were a mask to wear. Deanna proceeds to uncover a deeper well of magic, one described as being "a core of roiling molten magic, and Mala's heart", granted by Mala Fire-Bringer's blood flowing in Aelin's veins. Deanna proceeds to convert all of Aelin's standard fire magic to Moon-fire - white light stolen from the stars themselves, being so cold that it would burn. When Deanna pivots her pulsing hand from Morath's forces to the unprotected land at Skull's Bay, Rowan throws himself infront of Aelin, so that she would snap out of Deanna's control. Aelin kicks Deanna out of her mind, body, and through the wyrdkey, back to the Goddess's realm - due to the risk of harming her true mate Rowan. Fenrys rescues her from the water, where she is re-united with Rowan.
Lysandra fights off sea wyverns. The last one escapes and swims toward Aelin and the men. Lysandra gets a mental message from Aelin to swim away. Three adult sea wyverns are swimming toward her. Aedion kills the last one to save her life. Aedion makes it to her first and promises to marry her someday. She can't respond because she's still in her sea dragon form. Aelin and Rowan meet with Rolfe. They discover the cost of the map tattoos was something he didn't realize he was bargaining for—the lives of his mother and sister. Aelin needs to get out of town for just a little while to try to face what she's done. Rowan follows her, and they are finally intimate on the beach.
When the group is assembled together, Elena appears to them. She tells them the Lock is in the center of a temple in the Stone Marshes. Her mother gave her life to preserve it. Gavin and Elena used it years ago to seal Erawan up (when they claimed they had killed him). Elena also shares who her mother (and thus Aelin's ancestor) is: Mala Fire-Bringer. They take off on a ship, headed for the Stone Marshes. They see Manonriding toward them on Abraxos. She is unconscious and falls off the wyvern and into the sea.
Manon awakes on a ship with Aelin watching over her. Aelin warns her not to run away or hurt anyone. Dorianasks Aelin to unchain her and let her roam free on the ship, and she is extremely disapproving at the prospect of Dorian being attracted to Manon. They go down to unchain her. There is an imposter, one of Erawan's minions, the Bloodhound, sent for Manon, posing as Fenrys. He reveals her as a Crochan Queen. Dorian kills him.
Manon is furious but rushes up to the deck because they hear more demons landing. They're attacking the other pirate ships. One of the creatures reveals to Aelin that Erawan knows she has a Wyrdkey. Many of them are injured, Fenrys the worst. Aelin heals him. Something Fenrys says sparks a memory. She runs away, locks herself in the bathroom, and is sick over and over again. Rowan is worried. Aelin asks him to get Lysandra.
Aedion questions Aelin's shows of power and lack of consultation with him and others. Rowan says they have to plan, so the Fae males begin. Aelin wants the first shot at their enemy, so she goes ahead of the others. When Lorcan and Elide arrive, he senses the immensity of Aelin's power. He throws a magical shield over the two of them. Her power easily overwhelms the demons. Lorcan has never seen anything like it.
Elide gives Aelin the stone from Kaltain. Manon introduces Dorian as the King of Adarlan. Aelin thanks Lorcanfor bringing Elide and tells Manon she claims her. Rowan notices a difference in Lorcan. Dorian wonders if the gods guided them all here for a reason. Aelin opens the chest. No lock is inside. It's an ancient mirror with the Eye of Elena on the corner. Manon tells them about witch mirrors' powers and the witch towers, which use the mirror weapons and could destroy them in a couple of blasts.
The Fae males carry the mirror between them. Everyone is exhausted. When they return to the coast, they see hundreds of ships—it's Melisande's fleet. Soldiers are already on shore. Aelin surprises everyone by striding directly toward them. The leader of the troops is Ansel of Briarcliff, who Aelin met years ago in the Red Desert. Ansel brought these ships and warriors at Aelin's request to repay the life debt she owes her. Ansel and her army from the Western Wastes sacked Melisande's army and brought them to Aelin. Anselsays it's Maeve, not Erawan, who had been setting the fires, trying to make it look like it's Aelin. Rowan talks about the armies Aelin's assembled and how he loves it when she surprises him.
Dorian takes Aelin and Manon down to the mirror stowed below deck to show them something. He thinks Deanna's riddle about it suggests that Aelin and Manon can use it to see the future, determine how to defeat Maeve, and use the keys. The two join hands, press them to the mirror, and disappear.
Aelin and Manon are in the past, seeing Gavin and Elena. They see Elena use the stone in the Eye of Elenaand know it's the Lock. She used it to seal Erawan in a sarcophagus crafted from the black mountain. She distracted Erawan with Gavin. He's injured now. She knows the Lock can only be used once. Her reckless action brings the attention of the gods themselves. Temis calls Elena a half-breed fool, who used their Lockto trap Erawan. She tells her it was supposed to be used to unite the keys, bind them back the the broken wyrdgate, holding it intact via the Lock, and sealing it forever. The gods were supposed to be sent back home before this, where they would take the Dark King Erawan to their realm. The gods' rage rattled through her bones, threatening to destroy Elena. However Mala Fire-Bringer seemed to stop, as if to remember her. Elena remembers how her mother would not remember her family, after she sacrificed her body to forge the Lock, with the help of Rhiannon Crochan - who cast Mala's essence into the small blue witch-mirror to unleash it's massive power just once. As Elena called to her mother, Mala looked away from her. Anneith orders Elena to release Erawan, to repay her betrayal and punish the mortals. Hellas calls Elena a fool for wasting their Lock to temporarily seal Erawan, when all could have been solved at once. Elena begs to let another generation inherit the war, where they will be well prepared. Farnor calls her a coward to shove the burden on another. But Mala said that since they have waited this long to return to their realm, they may wait and watch Erilea a little longer. The Three-Faced Goddess proceeds to warn Elena that they will wait, but there will be a price, and a promise. That Mala's bloodline will bleed again, and her descendant with her Fire-Bringer gifts will re-forge the Lock, send the gods back to their realm alongside Erawan and his armies, where the gods will destroy them. Once the gods leave, Mala's scion must seal the three wyrdkeys back to the wyrdgate, completing it and holding it intact forever, yielding every last drop of their life force - something Brannon was prepared to do originally. Gavin only heard her words and ask what deal she struck when they are gone. Elena says the deal will be paid in the future. Gavin knows she lied via Damaris, but they did not talk of it further.
Another memory surfaces. Nehemia approaches the chest holding the witch-mirror at the Stone Marshes - the light twin to the black sarcophagus beneath Morath. Elena greets her. Nehemia thinks she's there to pay the price to save them. Elena says it’s not her. She says its Mala's bloodline who must pay. She says it must be one of two—Dorian or Aelin. She tells her to go north because these two houses will converge there. Elena tells her it’s necessary, but the price will be her life.
Aelin and Manon then see glimpses of what happened afterward: Elena's fight with her father over what she had done, her choice to live out her life as a mortal with Gavin. Brannon is seen forging the Amulet of Orynth, where he hid one wyrdkey within, after carving the message in wyrdmarks on the amulet for Aelin - 'nameless is my price' - should the gods' ultimatum hold true. He is then seen and hiding the other two Wyrdkeys, the second in Elena's sarcophagus, where he built the door knocker for Mort - gifted by Rhiannon Crochan. She then caresses his cheek, before leaving the tomb so that he could place the wyrdkey in secrecy. The last wyrdkey, he brought to Mala's Temple - only accessible by a true Fire-Bringer, or one possessing a key, who can traverse the molten river surrounding the Temple, something Mala's priestesses could not accomplish. After placing the final key under a flagstone, Brannon walked into Mala's burning heart, the river, and did not emerge again.
Elena appears and apologizes to Aelin, as she is the one who must now pay for her mistakes. Aelin realizes Elena saved her that night when she should've died years ago so she could die later on. She had enough strength back then, but Elena couldn't bear to let her die just yet. She revives Aelin and awakes Arobynn Hamel from his nearby home to come to rescue her. Elena pays for this with her soul. She will not get to spend eternity with her husband or her children. Aelin asks why. Elena wanted her to grow up, be strong, and experience love, even briefly, with the man who had unknowingly been waiting for her for so long in Wendlyn. Elena says the mirror's power and her power are almost depleted, but she will tell them what they need to do and will be with them all the way to the end.
Aelin and Manon crash back into the real world. They land near Maeve, who has Elide on her knees with a knife to her throat. Maeve reveals that she planned each thing Aelin has recently encountered to deplete her magic. She waited until it was on very low reserve to attack. Fire explodes around them as Aelin attacks Maeve. Lorcan uses the opportunity to kill the guards and rescue Elide. He wants her to run. She doesn't want to be a coward. Maeve's darkness lashes at Aelin. Maeve only stands a chance because Aelin's magic is depleted. Elide begs Manon to help Aelin as Maeve gains the upper hand. Fenrys and Gavriel arrive. All of Aelin's magic is gone. The distant battle is quiet. Maeve tells Manon she's free to go if she stays out of this fight.
Manon agrees. Gavriel begs Maeve to leave Aelin alone and let them return home. Maeve scolds him for not killing Lorcan on sight, as they were ordered to. Gavriel asks her to punish him instead of Aelin, but Maeve refuses. Maeve tells Aelin she knew she would lead her to all three Wyrdkeys. She saw it all. She saw her mate, Rowan. She knew their children would be powerful enough to rule the world. She knew how to get her to hand over the keys when she was strong enough to get them all. Maeve tricked Rowan into believing Lyria was his true mate—she let him fall in love, let her get pregnant, and then killed her while she was with child. She ensured their paths would cross when Aelin was of age. She knew Aelin would give her whatever if she pulled the right strings.
Maeve explains that they were both so broken when they met that they didn't immediately recognize each other as mates. Aelin has known it since the battle with Manon at Temis's temple months ago. She kept it from Rowan since then. She tells Aelin she would've had a thousand years with him, and she's probably five years from settling into her immortal Fae form. Maeve calls for Cairn. Maeve says Aelin must come willingly. If she struggles, she'll bring Elide along with them, too. Maeve orders Lorcan and Fenrys to be perfectly still through the blood oath. Aelin surrenders. She gives Elide messages to give to Aedion and Rowan. Maeve makes Aelin bow before her and take off her shirt for Cairn to give her ten lashes. She orders Aelin to count each lash. Aelin refuses. Maeve starts the ten lashes over and over again. They hear others approaching, so they stop the beating to leave. They put Aelin in a metal box, chain her with iron, and put an iron mask over her face. They carry the box towards Maeve's boat. Maeve is not aware that Aelin slipped the Wyrdkeys into Manon's pocket as she walked past her. Manon knows she needs to get the others and Elide far away from Maeve.
Manon knows she needed to get them and Elide far away from Maeve. They carry the box towards Maeve's boat. Maeve orders Fenrys to follow them. Maeve's boat disappears just as Rowan and everyone else finally arrive as backup. She has left without the Wyrdkeys because she assumes they are in Aelin's possession.
It turns out that Aelin had planned for this, and all Aelin's allies that she told no one about show up after it's too late to rescue her. A distraught Rowan reveals that they were now married. Aelin had told Lysandra to impersonate her to command their armies, and if Aelin were to die, Lysandra was to produce heirs with Aedion. Rowan kneels on the beach in the pools of Aelin's blood for a long time before swearing to Aedion that he will find her, shifting into his hawk form and flying into the horizon.
Tower of Dawn[]
Aelin, who has been asleep in her box due to a sleeping gas pumped through the openings, is woken up when the lid is taken off. Groggy from the gas, she can barely make out Maeve's face as the queen has her lifted upright by Cairn. Maeve smiles at her and says, "Let's begin". She then starts getting tortured by Cairn, which we don't see.
Kingdom of Ash[]
Aelin is tortured by Maeve and Cairn for two months. Maeve spins illusions so real, Aelin doesn't know what is real and what isn't. Aelin is forced to watch Connall kill himself, and all her scars are removed. One day, she throws a shard of glass towards Maeve, scratching her cheek. Aelin is confused when she sees black blood instead of red, but she passes out before she can think about what it might mean. When Fenrys breaks the blood-oath he attacks Cairn, giving Aelin time to escape. Lorcan, Rowan, Gavriel and Elide find her and with the help of Wyrdmarks they free her of the iron mask and shackles. She offers Fenrys the blood-oath to keep him alive.
Aelin and her companions travel with the help of the little folk, who she is revealed to be the queen of, just as she is revealed to be Mab's heir. Aelin is mostly silent during their traveling hours, staring at the water and not doing anything. She keeps pushing her magic down, despite it begging for release. They stop at a cave for gold, and Aelin finds two (wedding) rings: one for her and one for Rowan. Aelin gives Rowan the ruby ring, and she keeps the emerald ring for herself. She and Rowan talk about their relationship and about being each other's mates. They end up having sex.
Aelin has various nightmares surrounding her torture. She and Fenrys grow even closer because of this. They talk about the months they spent together and console each other. She asks him what Maeve's blood tasted like when he swore the blood oath to her. When he tells her it tasted like normal blood, she is a little confused.
Aelin offers Lorcan the blood-oath to make sure he doesn't harm Terrasen. If he doesn't accept, he can never take a step in Terrasen again. Lorcan takes it for Elide, and Aelin now has 3 Fae males blood-sworn to her.
Aelin arrives at Anielle only to find out it's under attack by Morath. She and Chaol Westfall reunite, and she sees Yrene for the first time in 3 years.
Aelin is shocked to find out that Maeve is an imposter and is, in fact, a Valg queen. She tells Chaol and his friends that she had been her captive for 2 months. Later she goes outside, and Rowan follows her. She tells him that she can't do it, that she doesn't know what to do. Rowan tells her that she has to fight and that they'll do it together.
When the battle begins, no one sees Aelin on the battlefield. When she finally does arrive, she doesn't use her magic one bit, to everyone's surprise. When the dam breaks and a giant wave threatens to destroy Anielle and all its surroundings, she finally unleashes her magic. It turns out that she has been delving into her magic for three months and wanted to use it to kill Maeve. She successfully saves Anielle from the water.
Aelin, Chaol, her court, and the Khagan's army travel to the Ferian Gap, hoping to cross it to reach Terrasen in time. In her tent, she receives a new tattoo from Rowan.
They come across Vernon Lochan, and she and Lorcan interrogate him and shackle him. She coats him in ale using her water magic and promises him that if he makes one wrong move he will melt. After having asked all her questions she leaves him to starve and die.
Aelin reunites with Dorian Havilliard, only to find out he has the three Wyrdkeys. She and Dorian can't figure out when to forge the lock, now that they can do it. She decides to put it on a vote. The vote ends in favor of forging the lock at dawn. However, she and Dorian decide to forge the lock together, with the hope of neither of them having to die from it.
She uses the Wyrdkeys to step with Dorian into the Wyrdgate. They start to use their power, but it begins to hurt. Aelin starts to scream with agony, until the King of Adarlan appears - being accidentally summoned by Dorian. The Kings tells them that he can also be the cost for the Lock, being nameless after Erawan erased his name. Aelin lets go of Dorian's hand, sending him back to their world. She and the king use their power together to forge the Lock. Aelin watches as the king transforms into nothingness. Aelin uses all her power until there is nothing left but her water magic and her Fae body, because she gave up her mortal one. Aelin stands face to face with the Gods. They tell her to send them back to their realm and get it over with. Aelin almost agrees to it, but then spots a frightened Elena standing between the Gods. Aelin asks for a bargain: to send Elena to the Afterworld and leave Erawan to Erilia. Deanna walks over to Elena and squeezes her head until she is nothing but ash. Deanna tells Aelin that they will never make deals with mortals again. Aelin is outraged that the Gods won't do anything. As the Gods walk into their own world Mala Fire-Bringer gives Aelin a kernel of fire magic - as thanks for wanting to help Elena. Mala also tells her that when Aelin seals the gate, she should think of home and that the marks will guide her. It turns out that Rowan had hidden Wyrdmarks in her new tattoo. When all the Gods are in their own world, Aelin uses the Wyrdkeys to change that world into the world she entered in the stone castle in Crown of Midnight. She locks the gate with all the power she has left and enters the gate.
Aelin falls through different worlds before returning to her own. She shares what happened to her powers and the Gods to her court and the Khagan's army.
Aelin arrives in Orynth and finds Maeve and Erawan waiting for her. She talks to them, taunting them. She tells Erawan that Maeve wants to be rid of him, but Maeve keeps saying that she is lying. Finally, they attack. Aelin lets flames run down Goldryn and fights back. She uses the fact that Maeve and Erawan don't know that she has little to no magic to her advantage.
Erawan leaves the fight, distracted by Yrene Towers's magic. Maeve spins an illusion for Aelin, but Aelin does not fall for it. Maeve sends a blast of magic to Elide. Aelin tries to save her but then realizes it is an illusion. Aelin begins to attack Maeve until she is beaten down. Rowan, Fenrys, and Lorcan attack Maeve, but Maeve strikes them down and shows them illusions. Maeve tells Aelin Gavriel is dead and tells her that she couldn't save him, but she could save them. Aelin sends a blast of power to wake up Rowan, Lorcan, and Fenrys. She, Rowan, and Lorcan weaken Maeve, giving Fenrys the killing blow. Aelin slips Athril's ring on Maeve's finger, turning her to ash.
Aelin is crowned Queen of Terrasen, and offers the blood-oath to Aedion. When everyone is about to leave, the little folk arrive, and crown her the Faerie Queen of the West. A week after the coronation Aelin says goodbye to Chaol and Dorian, and consoles Manon Blackbeak.
The book ends with an epilogue of Aelin looking out over Terrasen with Rowan on a balcony, looking as the kingsflame blooms all over Terrasen. Signifying that they are finally at peace and that it truly was as she promised, A better world.
- ↑ Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas: Chapter 1, pg. 1